That is their job, only.” And no one knows the beginning, when Allah created those. I have created so many creatures that they’re sitting and they’re praising Me non‐stop. It is for your benefit, not for Me.” He’s saying, “If you all sit together for twenty‐four hours, leave everything and twenty‐four hours a day, if you sit and you praise Me, it’s not enough. What the order I put on you, it is good for you.

And what I give order to you, you must keep. He loved them and He created, and saying, “La sharika la… – I have no partner. For people not to get stuck and to get fooled by this World.Īllah (subhanahu wata’ala) have created the man. Only for one purpose: To guide people from this World to Allah (subhanahu wata’ala). From Adam ( aleyhis selam) time up till Holy Prophet (aleyhis salatu wassalam), One Hundred and twenty four thousand Prophets came. And we are the ones who came, not in the beginning, but in the end. We are the people of Ahir Zaman, the End of the Time.