String adobeFontName1 = FontSettings.GetAdobeFontName("Comic Sans MS") TextLayer textLayer = (TextLayer)image.Layers Using (var image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(outputFilePsd)) Image.Save(outputFilePng, new PngOptions()) = FontSettings.GetAdobeFontName("Arial") ITextPortion firstPortion = į = FontSettings.GetAdobeFontName("Comic Sans MS") TextLayer textLayer = image.AddTextLayer("Text 1", new Rectangle(10, 35, image.Width, 35)) ((IColorFillSettings)backgroundFillLayer.FillSettings).Color = Color.White

Using (var image = new PsdImage(500, 500))įillLayer backgroundFillLayer = FillLayer.CreateInstance(FillType.Color) Throw new Exception("Objects are not equal.") Void AssertAreEqual(object expected, object actual) String outputFilePsd = "fontEditTest.psd" string outputFilePng = "result_fontEditTest.png" This is also useful for inputting Arabic, Belgian, Cherokee, Cyrillic, Danish, Ethiopic, Farsi, Greek, Hebrew, IPA and many other languages / writing systems.You please try using the following sample code on your end. Within the Character Map utility window, users can select any font installed on that computer, select whichever character(s) are needed, then copy-and-paste into a graphics or word-processing program, browser, or other application. (The exact navigation path may vary in other versions of Windows.) In Windows XP this is typically accessed via Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map. (Korean hangul characters are not included in SimSun.)įile:NSimSun font example.jpg (converted to SVG)įor easy access to Chinese (or Japanese or Korean) ideograms, as well as to special characters including diacritical marks as used for other languages such as Tamil, Tibetan, Urdu or Vietnamese, Windows users can use the Character Map utility.

the ideograms shown), and Greek and Cyrillic alphabet characters. Not shown despite being included in the font are Bopomofo, Japanese hiragana and katakana (as the font name would more likely be rendered in Romaji i.e. (新, the first character in the font name, represents New, not Monospace, as SimSun was originally developed as a proportional font.) The correct format for displaying the font name in a vertical string of ideograms is also included. English: Examples of the monospace NSimSun 新宋体 version of Microsoft's proportional SimSun 宋体 font, displaying its inclusion of Unicode's CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) Unified Ideograph system, as well as Latin-alphabet support.